I'm so happy...

I am thrilled to show you the prizes I won from the Dr. Oz Show and BlogHer which arrived this week!  I am so thankful for the four autographed books by Dr. Oz and the Heart Rate Monitor!  I've taken photos of all and you can see where Dr. Oz writes "Enjoy" and then his signature in the front of "Healing from the Heart".  So cool!  I *will* enjoy and I am!

I am about halfway through Healing from the Heart which is, in my opinion, an inspiring book for anyone interested in taking their health and fitness into their own hands.  I was surprised and really enthused about the findings regarding emotional energy and the testing done around this field of medicine:

...For example, when we do deep breathing in yoga exercises, we're consciously changing the release of peptides in the body. We are changing, perhaps energizing or relaxing, our emotional state. In this way our very breath can be an ally in healing.

Other scientists in the relatively new field of psych-neuroimmunology have discovered overwhelming evidence that our minds and emotions affect our immune systems.  We also know that depression, loneliness, or such stessful blows as a loved one's death, a divorce, or the loss of a job lowers immunology against disease....
© Healing from the Heart, Mehmet Oz, M.D. 1998

I have to grin when thinking about how the Law of Attraction plays a huge part in my life now.  These books were gifts - well 'winnings' actually - that I normally would not have had the disposal income to purchase myself.  They'll educate me as I continue this wonderful journey to my perfect weight and fitness! 

Friday night I bought Marci Shimoff's book Happy for No Reason which is about how materials goods and experiences you buy or manufacturer are all wonderful, but to maintain lasting happiness that happiness must come from within.  Happiness doesn't know a socioeconomic level - happiness is available to everyone and anyone and Marci Shimoff's book proves this.  What's even better, her book sets out ways (7 steps, actually) you can go about gaining that inner happiness yourself! : )

I'm a happy person by nature (see that happy kid in the photo? that's me!) - I've always been this way - but as I read Happy For No Reason I have been finding ways I can cultivate that inner happiness more readily when I may need an 'internal boost' to change my day!  It is a really different and very cool book!  : )


Kat November 16, 2009 at 5:14 PM  

What an awesome give- away. Congrats on winning! I just became aware of Marci a couple of months ago. I was on a 6 week call with Marci and Kristen and David Morelli about happiness and prosperity. Very good stuff - still assimilating the material. Hope you have a wonderful week!

HealthyLoserGal November 16, 2009 at 8:36 PM  

Thanks, Kat! The "Happy for No Reason" book is not expensive at all at only $15 and I really enjoyed it - going to re-read and highlight now to really get all the tricks and steps! :)

Here's to a terrific, healthy week for both of us, friend!!