From 2009:
Hi there! Welcome to my 'confessional' for my weight loss. Both triumphs and defeats (there aren't too many of those lately!) are posted here, along with a great deal of my own take on what works for me and what doesn't.
My "stats" are:
I am 5'9" and I have 100 lbs. to lose. Yikes, huh?! Well, I actually now have about 65 lbs. to lose to get down to 165. I really believe I'll end up at 155 but for the sake of saying 100 lbs., I'll be happy when I reach 165!
Weight Watchers is my preferred food plan. It works great for me and I don't feel deprived in the least. I can go out to eat, snack, go to parties, drink, and do what normal people do. : ) I also exercise now. And... don't tell anyone this, but... I really am enjoying it! *grin*
I have joined the YMCA and have been swimming a lot this summer (2009). I have walked the high school track, learned about weight machines, put my time in on the treadmill. And I love, LoVe, LOVE Nintendo WiiFit. It is so much fun and I really feel that exercising in the comforts and privacy of my own home enabled me to work up my confidence enough to join the gym. I'm a pretty darn good step aerobics gal now! Who'd a thunk it!? ; )
I'm a 51 year old woman who lives just outside of Boston, Massachusetts in beautiful New England!
I was a single Mom for 15 years as I raised my son alone since he was 7 years old. He's just turned 23 and I'm extraordinarily proud of him. He is my most supportive weight loss fan! : ) I'm a daughter, a sister, an aunt.
In July of this year (2009) I ended a four year engagement. I was engaged for 2 of the four years we were together. Hard to do it - but for the best and I feel more peaceful with who I am as a result. I shall never disparage the man I was engaged to... the relationship just wasn't the joy a love relationship should be. I love to laugh and wasn't any longer. Now I am again! : )
I'm a professional woman who works very hard at what she does for a career and loves every minute of it. I am blessed with a great boss, a great place to work, and a job that I love. I sometimes freelance as a copy editor... if you're writing a book and need some help, let me know!
I'm a Christian. Not gonna preach at you, not to worry. But being thankful to God and proclaiming the blessings I have in this life is a part of what makes me 'me'.
Being of Irish descent is a big deal to me. I've been to Ireland a number of times. I love to travel. I love baseball, in particular the Boston Red Sox. I collect antiques. I sell vintage linens and laces on occasion. I used to be theatrical but my asthma won't let me hit the musical high notes any longer. I'm an animal lover and cry at sappy movies which I watch too often! I love the outdoors and live music. I read whenever I have a few extra minutes. I am a poetry fan and occasional poet. I'm good at Scrabble. : )
For a number of years recently I haven't been a good friend to my friends because of my weight and being embarrassed of how I looked. I've learned that people you love die before you're ready to see them so I'm changing that and trying to reconnect with old friends and ask for their forgiveness. I am blessed with good friends!
Oh... and I'm long winded. Can you tell? *grin*
Thanks for reading my blog, encouraging me on this great weight journey, and helping me out along the way!
*We CAN do this!*