"Face of Fitness" Cover Contest: Asking for your Votes!

Please VOTE for me!
The more times, the merrier! :)
I'm in the running for an incredible contest at FITNESS Magazine called "Face of Fitness". The grand prize winner is selected by voting and will be featured on the magazine cover, their story in FITNESS, as well as win a great trip for two to Hawaii!

In the last day (since voting started yesterday 2/14) I've moved up from #29 to #11... voting continues everyday this week! :) Here's today's link: http://bit.ly/g8QipR and I'll be posting the new link (hopefully with my position moving up daily) here each day!

Thanks, friends!

Dream. Believe. Achieve!
Jan / HealthyLoserGal

Happy Valentine's Day ~ Love Yourself Wholly

Thanks to my friend, Kat, for posting this on Facebook so I can share with you.  This seems perfect for our February Love You for Who You Are NOW challenge & Valentine's Day.  Speak the words on the screen aloud as you see them appear and they become powerful personal intentions ~

Happy Valentine's Day!

Jan / HealthyLoserGal