Twenty four weeks ago, I sure was! : ) I've been tweeting about how this is my final week on Vtrim Online and - I can hardly believe this, but because this is my last week of and the great success it has been for me and everyone in my group, the people at Vtrim are all excited about everyone who has shown interest in the program that is following me on the blog or on Twitter. They have a new online class about to start... it actually begins next Thursday, 7/29... and if you reach out to Beth at Vtrim at she will give you $100 OFF the regular price for the classes. Just like that! Just because I've lost the weight and they're sure YOU CAN, TOO!!!
So instead of the 24 week Vtrim Online course for $695 - you can tell them you read the Healthy Loser Gal blog and/or follow me on Facebook or Twitter and they'll give you the full 24 weeks of Vtrim Online Weightloss program for $595!! That is like $25 a week and - believe me - we've probably all spent $25 weekly on junk food that got us to where we NEED Vtrim's help!! I know I sound like an infomercial here... lol... but hey - $100 saved is $100!!
Isn't that an amazing offer from them? I am so psyched for you guys!! I hope you'll take them up on the offer (I haven't seen it discounted before so this is pretty big!)! Click on the Vtrim link above to go to the site to find out about this 24 week class' facilitator and check Vtrim out more if you haven't already!
And if you have any questions at all about the Vtrim Online program, you can email me or email Beth Casey at the email address above!! I'm not getting paid by them, I'm not under any obligation to them... it is just that VTRIM WORKED FOR ME AND I'M SOOOO EXCITED TO SEE IT WORK FOR YOU, TOO! :)
Besides the pictures above, one last persuasive piece of evidence on why I think this is great:
Twenty four weeks ago I weighed 229 lbs.
Today, at my annual physical at the doctor's office, I weighed 193 lbs. My blood pressure was 103/72 and I'm in the best physical shape - directly due to Vtrim Online's counseling - that I have been in for 20 years!!
If you're really ready to make a commitment to change your eating habits and exercise, there is no time like the present 'cause it is $100 in your pocket for new work out clothes! We can be "Vtrimmers" together! :)
Jan / HealthyLoserGal