Don't Stress! Think Positively : )

A quick little lesson on changing your thinking from "The Secret"...
"All stress begins with one negative thought. One thought that went unchecked, and then more thoughts came and more, until stress manifested. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative thinking, and it all began with one little negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it … with one small positive thought and then another."
Expect good things. 
Think positive thoughts about yourself.
Be happy.

We CAN do this! :)

Let's Join Together for a SEPTEMBER SUCCESS Challenge!

September is one of my favorite times of the year... to me, it seems like a New Year.  Our summer breaks have come to an end, school restarts, even our normal fitness routines may need to change up due to cooler weather and lessened hours of daylight.  I love the crisp days when the weather cools, I look forward to long walks and changing foliage in New England and I now I begin September with a reevaluation of my weightloss and fitness goals. 
Last month I needed a little help from my friends here and on Twitter to nudge me through my August workouts... and boy! what a great support system you all are!  AWESOME August was just that - so incredibly awesome with a goal of 24 of 31 days to exercise, walk or move more than was the 'norm' for each of us.  It was an easy goal to accomplish for many and then there are those of us who the 24 days seems just the right target - a little personal challenge.

So here we ago again, friends!  Are you ready to be a SEPTEMBER SUCCESS story?  : ) Here is how it works:
Really challenge yourself to move more, challenge your routine and commit to whatever number of days out of the month you feel comfortable with.  I'm aiming for 24 days of the 30 days of September.  How many minutes do you need to commit to?  As many as is a challenge to you personally.  I can walk easily for 60 minutes outdoors, so I try to walk 75-90 minutes during a challenge.  What about if you are doing aerobics or DVDs or something else?  Well, what would be a challenge to you... do you see Zumba as a challenge instead of Kick Boxing?  Then commit to yourself to try Zumba more than once during September... allow yourself to dream of big accomplishments and then BELIEVE in your own abilities and be a SEPTEMBER SUCCESS!

We can do this friends... we can set goals and achieve them together.  Let me know if you're "in" and I'll add you to the list I'm keeping on Twitter.  You don't need to check in on Twitter or here daily unless you want to, but do try to post what day of the challenge you're on and how you're doing.  And remember to encourage and applaud our sister and brothers in the challenge for their efforts! : )

There aren't any failures in this September challenge, so don't get discouraged.  If you're attempting to move more and challenge yourself, no matter the number of days that rack up, you're ALREADY a success!

Dream.  Believe.  Achieve!




Today marks the final day of August and the end of the Healthy Loser Gal AwesomeAugust challenge!  I walked and/or worked out, went swimming, hiking, or something for 25 of the 31 days! The photo above is of me and my incredibly great trainer at the Waltham YMCA, Parker.  Please note he and I are wearing Healthy Loser Gal t-shirts! LOL He is such a good sport to wear the TRAINER one I made for him for this photo!  : )

 I feel great about getting in my August activities and am so thankful to all of you guys who joined in the fun and inspired me to keep going when the weather was sticky and hot and I felt more like laying low than going out and MOVING! :)  I lost another 9 lbs in August, I'm proud to report!

I have had an incredible month as it included starting a relationship with a wonderful, handsome, healthy, fit man named Jeff whom I've dubbed "Healthy Loser Guy".  He's an early morning exercise guy who has inspired me to roll out of my comfy bed and pull on my walking clothes and meet him at the local track!  The iPhoto is of us a week or so ago right after an early Sunday morning pre-church walk!  Life is, indeed, good!

Next up... a new challenge for September... "Septemeber Success" or #SeptSUCCESS if you're following along on Twitter.  More in a second blog post tonight! : )

Dream. Believe.  Achieve. 

~Jan / HLG