You know - - I have been thinking about this walk since I was last home to visit my Mom a few weeks ago and on Monday I committed to walking 5K in Washington County, NY's "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk".
eep! Now I have to DO IT!
It is all good though! : ) I'm on this great weight loss journey to get healthy and change my life and this will be a great short-term goal that will raise funds for cancer awareness and prevention! I lost my Dad to cancer and my Mom is celebrating 5 years of being a breast cancer survivor. My boss and friend, Mj, fought thee most valiant fight against breast cancer this past year. She was amazing and I was fortunate (sounds odd to say that, but it was a blessing really) to be allowed to know what she was going through day in and out as she is a testament to what willpower can truly do! She would not let up... she continued to do all she could as long and as hard as she could. To look at her now, you'd never know she was bald as 2009 began! All good, like I said.
But CAN I do it? Walk 3+ miles at once on back roads of my home town? Hmmm... I'm a little concerned honestly. But I know I'll make it. It will, indeed, be *good for me*. I walked after work on Monday night (that is a pic of me before heading out the door to walk Monday) and last night walked with WiiFit while I was watching Biggest Loser on television. I think I logged in 800+ steps last night... tonight I'll go for a walk or do the WiiFit again... and gradually I want to get up to 1 mile around the h.s. track by end of the week without having to stop. Mind over matter. I *will* do this!
If you would consider sponsoring me, I would be extremely grateful! The link to my American Cancer Society "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk" is: If you can't make a monetary donation (and believe me, I understand that many cannot!!), sending some good thoughts my way at noontime EST on Sunday, October 4th would sure be appreciated, too! : )
A year ago I could barely walk from the parking lot into my office without being out of breath... now I'm signing up for 5K walks! *beam*