Be Proud of Your Accomplishments!

Does anyone else love the movie "What About Bob?" with Bill Murray?  If you recall the movie, Bob (played by Murray) has many phobias, one is leaving his house... so Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfus) teaches him how to "baby step" to overcome his fears.

Not such bad advice!

I am really so impressed by how far each one of us can come if we just believe in our own selves!  Pushing aside those negative "inside your head tapes" of "I'll never be able to run" or "I can't walk a 5k... am I kidding!?" or "I used to love to play tennis, but I am not in good shape anymore!" and replacing them with "I'm going to run a 5k by year's end" and "I know I can make it to the end of the block without stopping" can help us achieve our goals.

I know I say this a lot but BELIEVE in yourself.  Set a goal for yourself and then Believe you can do what you set out to do.  Don't allow negativity to enter your mind.  Work toward your goal with 'baby steps' and soon, you're going to be so proud of yourself because you will have ACHIEVED your goal!!

Here is a tweet from @suzyscrapbook today on Twitter that illustrates just this:  Running 2mi today I was frustrated that I stopped to walk. Two months ago I couldn't even run for 5min w/o stopping. Progress! #hlgFitGift 

I'm so impressed!  And I know that Eucerin would want YOU, Leslie,  to have the giveaway set of Eucerin Everyday Protection Body Lotion with spf 15 and the Everyday Face Lotion with spf 30 so you can continue your outdoor activities and achieve your goals!  They sent me the same products to use and review this summer and I think they're fantastic!  Eucerin believes in putting the health of your skin first before we head outside. This is a little tiny reward for achieving a goal you'd set for yourself during our 90 Day Gift of Fitness & Health Challenge!  Congrats, friend! :)

Dream! Believe! Achieve!
Jan / HealthyLoserGal

Gift of Fitness & Health Challenge: Week 5 Check-in

Are we having fun yet? : )  This week, in addition to checking in, I'd love to hear if you've been doing anything OUTSIDE that you hadn't done before?  Have you been outside and walking for fitness?  Have you been biking or hiking or roller blading or anything else that has kept your activity up OUT OF DOORS?  Let me know!

And I have been struggling with food this weekend - - - unfortunately there was a ton of food left over from the birthday party I held for my Mom's 85th birthday and I ended up bringing some of it home with me.  (Believe me, I gave away all that I could!)  I should have just tossed it all because I have been nibbling here and there and - - I *cannot* nibble.  Once I get the taste of sweets and know there are more in the house (not candy - - sweets like desserts), then I want more... and MORE!   I'm purging the kitchen tomorrow night (garbage night in town) when I get home from work to get rid of what I don't take to the office in the morning! 

Usually what I do when I feel like I'm going to start eating uncontrolled is go for a walk... but having a need to walk in the late evening when it is pitch black out isn't good!  So I need to come up with an alternative... any suggestions?

Looking forward to reading your comments to see how you're all doing!  Let's make week 5 a really awesome week and keep the momentum going!!  We are SO worth it! : )

Dream. Believe. Achieve!

Jan / Healthy Loser Gal