As I was driving home after taking my Mom back to her house after Thanksgiving late last night, I took time to reevaluate where I am in my journey and all that I have accomplished. I also 'gave myself a talking-to' on slacking off lately on my exercise goals and realized I was dreaming far too small for this next month. Why am I thinking that because it is the holidays I won't have time to exercise or that I won't lose weight? That's defeatest thinking! So, I'm planning to lose weight in December. I'm planning to kick up the exercise and I'm planning to ring in 2010 (good lord!!) feeling great and down another size. How 'bout that?! *grin*
I've made up some motivation badges that I've printed out, slapped onto magnets and have stuck on my frig. Feel free to right click and add them to your blog, too, if you'd like! (And if you would link back to that would be terrific! Thanks!)
We *CAN* do this whole weight-loss- getting-healthy- feeling-great-about-ourselves thing, ya know! I'm IN... how about you? ; )