Don't settle for less than you deserve!
Labels: dream believe achieve , Goals , Inspiration , jim rohn , Motivation
Fun at Boston Health & Fitness Expo
How gorgeous do these two look? : ) |
I headed down to the Hynes Convention Center in Back Bay, Boston today to take in the free Health & Fitness Expo, knowing that the reigning Biggest Loser, Olivia Ward, and her oh-so-fun sister, Hannah, were featured guests.
I have always been a fan of Teddy Brewski of the Patriots, but today I saw even more reasons to respect this man... he was so genuine and friendly and helpful to each and every child he encountered. He sat on the floor with them to speak to the little kids at their level and then - when they were running some football drills - he watched each child, stopping them to comment on their technique or to praise them with a 'great job!'... I was really impressed. What a great role model he was to the kids today.
Watching drills being run... |
... and then commenting on how to improve or saying 'great job!' |
A man from the Boston area, Joe Scott, and I chatted a little bit as he told me about his book "The Joe Dial" and his belief that there are three types of people in the world: Takers, Givers, and Take-and-Givers. (You can check out his book on Amazon.)
A fun Life Size "Operation" Game at Expo |
The New England Patriot Mascot signing footballs |
It is all about knowing what a 'serving size' is! |
Dream. Believe. Achieve! :)
Jan / HealthyLoserGal
Labels: Boston , fitness , Healthy , healthy woman , joy bauer , olivia ward , teddy brewski , The Biggest Loser