I have never been to Fitbloggin but have wanted to go badly for the last two years. This year, I am happy to say, the wait is over! And not only am I going but I am fortunate enough to have been chosen as one of the Ignite keynote speakers! :) I'll be there in two months speaking on Staying POSITIVE on your journey wherever you are today.
If you are not familiar with Fitbloggin, it is a fitness and health bloggers conference held in Baltimore under the capable direction of Roni Noone, one of the first people I followed on Twitter three years ago. Not only do I get to learn from other, more experienced bloggers and be inspired by the speakers, I will be meeting in person for the first time many folks who I already consider friends! I really am excited to go!

Here's to our health!
Jan / HealthyLoserGal
One of the hardest things for me when trying to keep a regular exercise routine is pushing myself too hard. I end up sore and have to take a few days off. After that it is so hard to get back into the routine again.
Good luck at the conference!
Congratulations! You will be fantastic and such an inspiration. :) I have to say that eating out is a hard thing for me. If those around me make healthy choices it's much easier.
Thanks to you both for your insights on when and what is hard for you both. I have to admit that those are both hard for me, too... I am too easily influenced by friends bad habits in eating & then fall off course & struggle to get back on! ; )
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