How do you lose 100 pounds? You eat HEALTHY! :)

Did you know that July is National Blueberry Month? A full month is devoted to those little delicious blue antioxidant berries that I love year round but especially when they're 'in season' in New England.  I just found out about the July designation the other day when Boston Globe's Sunday Magazine featured the Geddes Blueberry Farm in Gilmanton, NH. (The article is definitely worth a read and then maybe a trip to scenic Gilmanton if you, like me, have an interest in supporting local farms and small farmers by buying locally.)

That same interest in supporting small, local farms has led me many times to family owned Verrill Farm in Concord, Mass. On Friday I saw a tweet from John (the Farm's great marketing guy!) @VerrillFarm who posted about their Blueberry Pancake Breakfast scheduled for the following morning.

"Hmm," I thought, "I love blueberries - I'm going!" and tweeted back pretty much just that to John.  My tweet was seen by Kathy of @Bos_Sportswoman and she asked about details of the event and within moments we had plans to meet on Saturday morning at the farm to attend!

Thunderstorms and threatening skies didn't stop us from spending a great July Saturday morning together. The Verrill Farm Blueberry Pancake Breakfast was in full swing when I arrived... tents had been erected to shelter patrons from any lingering raindrops (and then the bright sunshine of later), a Dixie Land Jazz Band played, and oh-so-delicious pancakes loaded with fresh succulent blueberries, fresh farm bacon and sausage, with real maple syrup were enjoyed by all attending!

Not only did I get to catch up with John of Verrill Farm a little bit, but I was able to meet and spend time with "the infamous Annie", Kathy's soon to be 9 year old adorable daughter!  After our pancake stacks, Annie chased butterflies and explored, and took a few pix with her Mom's camera before we all decided to embark upon the offered tractor ride... complete with hay bale seats!

It was fun to see Kathy again after FitBoston and spend the morning with a kindred spirit... she was taking photos and checking Twitter during the morning just like I always do.  It is great to connect locally with someone so upbeat and fun and healthy!!  We talked marketing and blogging and CSAs and healthy eating... I feel like I've known her for years! : )

We wandered through the Farm Stand before heading home and I ended up buying two new veggies to try: Tequila Sweet Peppers and a new variety of beets which I have plans to make Monday evening.

I highly recommend the trip from Boston to Verrill Farm in Concord.  It is an easy quick drive (right off of Route 2) and you'll be happy with all their "farm stand" has to offer, beyond just the vegetables.

Here's to healthy living, eating whole foods and supporting local farms and small farmers... and to new friends to enjoy a great Saturday morning with!
Bloom where you are planted! :)
Dream. Believe. Achieve!
Jan / HealthyLoserGal
PS:  I'll be posting all Saturday morning's photos on the HealthyLoserGal Facebook page! :)


MizFit July 25, 2011 at 6:23 AM  

LOVE this post and our blueberries as well.

These days we are kind of boring with them. It's so hot we just freeze and eat till we cool off (or get brainfreeze. which ever comes first :))


Boston Sports Woman July 25, 2011 at 8:03 AM  

That was so much fun! Annie certainly could have stayed all day in that wooden train, hoping to get in the front! So glad we went with you, hope we can do another trip sometime soon!