And the FitBoston bag of goodies goes to...

Roxanne! Congrats to you and please email me your address so I can send off the wonderful products from the great FitBoston day sponsored by MeYouHealth, Modern Pilates, and Healthworks! :)

It has been great fun to chat on Twitter and Facebook with new friends I made last Saturday at FitBoston and to have finally put real life faces to friends I've chatted with for a long time now. 

Elina Holbrook

Elise Fletcher (left) getting her bounce on! :)

Some of these great gals include Elina Holbrook of @ElinaCooks on Twitter as well as her site; Laura Baker of Proliphique; Jenn Mitchell of; Janel of @DietitianJanel (and lucky winnner of a FitTrampoline!); @BrilliantJen; @KerryCooks; @LenaOnTheBeach; and long-time Twitter pal, @EliseFletcher!  I am leaving out tons of people - heck! even Social Media Guru Chris Brogan popped in for a few minutes!

Alicia Benjamin, Lisa Johnson, Chris Brogan (huh?), Jacqy Carly
Alicia from MeYouHealth posted a few videos from Saturday, including one of me telling what my inspiration to get fit is (see me below sans makeup and oh-so-close-up! lol):

Dream. Believe. Achieve!
Jan / HealthyLoserGal


Roxanne July 15, 2011 at 12:01 PM  

I'm so excited! Thank you! Sending you my address now.

Alicia July 15, 2011 at 2:43 PM  

Jan, your video is wonderful! :-)